Big five model


What is it?

The Big Five Personality Model, also known as the OCEAN model, is a psychological framework used to measure five key dimensions of personality: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. It is one of the most widely researched and validated models in personality psychology, offering a comprehensive understanding of how individuals think, behave, and react in different situations.

This model is valuable in both personal and professional development and is frequently used in recruitment to predict how well a person may perform in a job or integrate into a team. By providing insights into individual differences, it helps organizations select candidates whose personality traits align with specific job roles and company cultures.

Measurement Objectives

The Big Five Personality Model assesses key personality traits that influence behavior and performance:

  • Openness: Measures creativity, curiosity, and willingness to embrace new experiences.
  • Conscientiousness: Reflects self-discipline, organization, and goal-oriented behavior.
  • Extraversion: Assesses sociability, energy, and assertiveness in social interactions.
  • Agreeableness: Evaluates empathy, cooperation, and how well a person gets along with others.
  • Neuroticism: Looks at emotional stability, resilience, and how individuals cope with stress.

These dimensions provide a detailed profile of a person’s behavior, offering predictive insights into how they might handle challenges, communicate, and work in different environments.


The Big Five Personality Model is widely used in recruitment and team building, helping employers assess how well a candidate’s personality fits a specific role. For instance, roles that require precision and structure may benefit from candidates high in conscientiousness, while sales or leadership roles often favor individuals high in extraversion and agreeableness. In addition to recruitment, the model supports personal development by helping individuals better understand their personality traits. This self-awareness can guide career choices, improve interpersonal relationships, and help in managing stress or conflict.


The Big Five Personality Model provides detailed results on each of the five personality traits. These scores allow individuals or organizations to compare a candidate’s traits to a larger population, helping to predict performance, compatibility with a team, and emotional resilience. The results offer actionable insights into areas such as creativity, attention to detail, social engagement, and emotional stability. These insights can guide decision-making in both hiring and personal growth.


The Big Five Personality Model was developed through years of research in personality psychology. It is based on empirical studies, making it a scientifically valid tool for assessing personality traits across different cultures and settings. The model’s robust research foundation ensures its reliability in predicting behavior and job performance, making it a trusted tool for HR professionals and psychologists alike.

Reference Group

Key features

What it measures

Emotional Stability (Neuroticism)



The selection lab