Case Study

How Working Talent tested their trainees with The Selection Lab


Working Talent needed to quickly and objectively select candidates who would be a good fit for their traineeship program. Rather than relying solely on hard criteria (resumes and technical skills), they wanted deeper insight into the competencies, drivers, and cultural preferences that make a trainee successful. Additionally, both candidate satisfaction and recruiter satisfaction were key priorities.


  • Targeted Selection: 76 candidates were assessed using The Selection Lab’s solution, resulting in 28 hires who better match the required competencies and company culture.
  • Higher Recruiter Satisfaction: Thanks to objective data and structured reporting, recruiters can more easily identify the right talent.
  • Improved Candidate Satisfaction: Candidates rated the assessment process 4 out of 5 stars, citing its professionalism and the valuable insights it provided.


By integrating a data-driven assessment, Working Talent successfully selected the right trainees, increased satisfaction among both recruiters and candidates, and laid a solid foundation for successful onboarding. This approach significantly boosted the likelihood of a strong match, leading to higher productivity and lower turnover.