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Digital assessments | Five Minutes Friday

Hi there! 👋

Digital assessments are becoming increasingly popular, they are almost indispensable in the hiring process. They can provide many valuable insights with high predictive accuracy. Curious about all the ins & outs of digital assessments? In this month's Five Minutes Friday, it's all about digital assessments.

Fun fact

"Employees who were hired with job testing stayed 15% longer in their positions than those hired without testing."

        Source: Can Pre-Employment Tests Predict Employee Success Better than a Human? | Criteria Corp

Highlighted competency

Various competencies are measured with the assessment of The Selection Lab. This month we discuss the competency accuracy.

What is accuracy? 🧐

Accuracy indicates the degree to which someone tends to be thorough and worrying about details.

High score behaviors 📈

People who score high on this carefully check for errors and possible improvements. This can lead to inefficiency and loss of time related to performing tasks.

Examples of matching professions 💼
  • Accountant
  • Lawyer
  • Management assistant

If you want to know more about the competencies, check out our LinkedIn account: The Selection Lab.

HR MythBusters

Within HR there are many myths. Some are true. Some aren't. Do you know which one is which?

This months Myth is:

       In the past few years, having a degree is less important for employers.

True or false? What do you think?

--> Stay tuned for the results in the Five Minutes Friday of next month!

Reading tips

Read all about the ins and outs of assessments in the articles below.

Ultimate guide for assessments

Assessments give every candidate the opportunity to show who they really are. > Read more [Dutch]

What is an online assessment?

This blog will detail the intricacies of an online assessment and how to leverage such assessment tests to make successful recruiting decisions. > Read more

Ace the assessment

More employers are using tests as part of the hiring process. Here’s how to prepare for them. > Read more

Recruitment assessment Tools

As businesses compete for the very best hires, recruiters need to use all the tools at their disposal to make sure they are presenting the best candidates for the role. > Read more

Talent assessments: What are they?

Talent assessments help companies test applicants for employment to determine if candidates are a good match for their job vacancies. Companies who conduct talent assessments are seeking applicants that match them hiring criteria. > Read more

That was it, have a nice weekend!

See you next time,

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Hester 😄
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